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October 2022: The Month in Review

With new investments and a range of partnerships, this October marked a strong start to the fourth quarter for the cellular agriculture field. Compared to the third quarter of 2022, this October featured a range of product showcases as companies look to scale production and come to market.


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May 2022: The Month in Review

Following an incredible start to the second quarter, May 2022 continued the cellular agriculture field’s momentum into the summer. Compared to previous months, this May featured a wide range of partnerships between cellular agriculture startups and the broader future food industry and a...

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August 2021: The Month in Review

With growing interest around the world, August marked a strong end to the summer of 2021 for the cellular agriculture industry. Compared to conventional animal agriculture, cellular agriculture offers an alternative and more sustainable way to produce the same animal products directly from cell...

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October 2019: The Month in Review

Following a third quarter that featured the first animal-free dairy ice cream and the establishment of the first cell-based meat coalition, October marked a strong start to the fourth quarter for cellular agriculture. Cellular agriculture (cell ag) is the field of...

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