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New Lab-Grown Fish Meat Startup Raises $3.5 million in Seed Funding

wild type Mar 29, 2018

This article was originally published in March 2018. Click here to read about Wild Type's latest funding round.

Earlier today, it was announced on TechCrunch that startup Wild Type raised $3.5 million in seed funding. The round of funding was led by Spark Capital and also...

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6 Terms Changing Food Forever

This article was updated in May 2019

From the first lab-grown dish in 2013, cellular agriculture has clearly progressed. Since then, more companies and investors have entered the field to further develop it. As the field continues to progress to one-day become the future of food, cellular...

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Tasting the Future: the Impossible Burger

I found my way through the busy streets to the Founding Farmers restaurant in Washington D.C. It was a Tuesday, but the crowd and large line could convince you that it was the weekend. I was told that I would have to wait, unless I managed to find space at the bar. I found a crowded corner with...

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The Fight for the word Meat

regulation Mar 08, 2018

In February 2018, the US Cattlemen’s Association (USCA) filed a petition with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to narrow the definition of ‘meat’. In the petition, the USCA requests that meat and beef be defined as coming from the flesh of an animal that has...

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February 2018: The Month in Review

Following all the exciting news in January, February has continued cellular agriculture’s great start to the year. Cellular agriculture (‘cell ag’) refers to the field of growing animal products from cells instead of raising animals for them, and it has been in...

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Cellular Agriculture and the Monsanto Lesson

We live in an anti-GMO era.

Nearly all the companies and players in cellular agriculture (‘cell ag’) have made a conscious effort to distance themselves from GMOs. While it is true that none of their final products contain genetically modified organisms (the modified yeast are not...

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Cellular Agriculture: The Products Leading a Revolution

This article was originally published in February 2018. Last updated in March 2020.

From the first cultured hamburger in 2013, cellular agriculture (‘cell ag’) will soon be available at a store near you! Cell ag refers to the field of growing animal products from cells...

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Plant-Based Meats

Meat consumption is reaching new heights around the world. With the demand for animal products rising from 60 billion animals in 2016 to 100 billion animals by 2050, the environmental and health impacts of eating meat will only increase. Livestock agriculture already uses about 30% of all fresh...

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January 2018: The Month in Review

It is only the beginning of 2018, and it is already shaping up to be a great year for cellular agriculture (‘cell ag’). With reports that global meat consumption is increasing, the need for more progress and development into cultured meat and other meat alternatives are important. In...

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Cellular Agriculture: The Obstacles Ahead

This article was updated in March 2020.

From the first $300,000 burger in 2013, a lot has changed in cellular agriculture. Since that taste test, cellular agriculture companies have gotten traction and have gone beyond their own taste tests.

Beyond cell-based meat, cellular agriculture has...

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