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Cultivated Meat Supply Chain Report 2024

The Cultivated Meat Supply Chain Report breaks down the state of the industry and how to develop an ecosystem and supply chain around cultivated meat.

What You Get

  • 148-page report breaking down the cultivated meat supply chain into 15 different categories

Primary Report Breakdown

As one of the first reports to address it, the Cultivated Meat Supply Chain Report 2024 breaks down the state of the industry and how to develop an ecosystem and supply chain around cultivated meat. In order for the cultivated meat field to scale and come to market, it is important that both companies and investors understand the white spaces and opportunities in the field's supply chain.

Most importantly, it is these pain points that need to be addressed to help the cultivated meat field progress and bring the future of food to market. From cell line development and cell culture media nutrition to distribution, there are plenty of opportunities for new players to enter the field and support the entire cellular agriculture industry.

The Cultivated Meat Supply Chain Report breaks the supply chain into 15 sections. In each section, the report explains what that part of the supply chain consists of, why it is important for the cultivated meat field and highlights potential companies or startups that could address the pain point for the field.

The report breaks the cultivated meat supply chain into 15 sections:

  • Cell Line Development
  • Cell Culture Nutrient Formulation - Cell Culture Media
  • Bioreactor Development
  • Meat Texturing - Scaffolding
  • Prototyping and Refinement
  • Process Design
  • Facility Development
  • Raw Materials and Supply Chain
  • Production & Operations
  • Safety, Quality Assurance, and Regulation
  • Packaging
  • Distribution & Shipping
  • Branding & Marketing
  • Customer Feedback
  • R&D, New Product Lines

In each section, we explain what that part of the value chain consists of, why it may be uniquely relevant to cellular agriculture, and highlight companies or players working to address the pain point.

For investors, the Cultivated Meat Supply Chain Report highlights new opportunities and potential startups that are looking to address the field's pain points and make cultivated meat viable.

For food and biotech corporations, the report highlights new opportunities to enter and add value to the cultivated meat supply chain.

Table of Contents: The Cultivated Meat Supply Chain 2024

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Cell Line Development
  3. Cell Culture Nutrient Formulation - Cell Culture Media
  4. Bioreactor Development
  5. Meat Texturing - Scaffolding
  6. Prototyping and Refinement
  7. Process Design
  8. Facility Development
  9. Raw Materials and Supply Chain
  10. Production & Operations
  11. Safety, Quality Assurance, and Regulation
  12. Packaging
  13. Distribution & Shipping
  14. Branding & Marketing
  15. Customer Feedback
  16. R&D, New Product Lines
  17. Closing Thoughts

Table of Figures: The Cultivated Meat Supply Chain 2024

  • Table 1: Select Companies Focusing on Cell Line Development
  • Table 2: Select Cultivated Meat Company Cell Line Types & Genetic Modification
  • Table 3: Select Startups Focusing on Cell-Based Meat Cell Culture Media Development
  • Table 4Cultivated Meat Companies moving to Animal-Free Serum
  • Table 5: Select Companies Focusing on Cultivated Meat Bioreactor Development
  • Table 6: Select Cultivated Meat Company Bioreactor Development Capacity & Progress 
  • Table 7: Select Companies focusing on Cultivated Meat Scaffolding Solutions 
  • Table 8: Select Cultivated Meat Companies and Cell-based Product Showcases
  • Table 9: Select Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs) focusing on Cultivated Meat Production Partnerships 
  • Table 10: Cultivated Meat Companies and Pilot Plant Development
  • Table 11: Cultivated Meat Companies and Commercial-Scale Manufacturing 
  • Table 12: Cultivated Meat Companies and Corporate Partnerships
  • Table 13: Cultivated Fat Companies and Partnerships within the Alternative Protein Ecosystem
  • Table 14: Cultivated Meat Producers and Partnerships within the Alternative Protein Ecosystem

About CellAgri

CellAgri is a news and insights platform that explores the future of food with cellular agriculture. We share the latest news and updates relating to the ever-changing field of cellular agriculture, from the latest updates to the growing number of companies around the world.

We offer a number of resources to help visitors learn more about cellular agriculture and how it can help us develop a sustainable food system for the future, from events to the first eBook about cellular agriculture. CellAgri's platform also tracks and promotes all the major and upcoming players in the field. Providing them the ability to post and share their latest news and job openings. Ultimately, we aim to promote a dialogue about this emerging field as a future alternative to the present livestock agricultural system. CellAgri is a division of High Output Ventures Pte Ltd.