Discover the future with cellular agriculture and the opportunities to impact our future food system
Whether you are an investor or corporate or startup, understand what cellular agriculture might mean to your sector or industry and how it can transform our future.
What you'll get:
- Due Diligence services for 1 company
- Introductory Call: Understand your team's investment thesis, and why the interest in the mentioned startup.
- Standard company review and breakdown relating to 6 categories:
- Technology Review
- Landscape Analysis
- Team Analysis
- Competitive positioning
- Potential future funding partners
- Challenges and Obstacles Ahead
- Follow Up Call: Present the company due diligence review to your team
Note: CellAgri does not offer due diligence services relating to the technical scientific process, its feasilbility, or its ability to scale.
About CellAgri
CellAgri is a news and insights platform that explores the future of food with cellular agriculture. We share the latest news and updates relating to the ever-changing field of cellular agriculture, from the latest updates to the growing number of companies around the world.
We offer a number of resources to help visitors learn more about cellular agriculture and how it can help us develop a sustainable food system for the future, from events to the first eBook about cellular agriculture. CellAgri's platform also tracks and promotes all the major and upcoming players in the field. Providing them the ability to post and share their latest news and job openings. Ultimately, we aim to promote a dialogue about this emerging field as a future alternative to the present livestock agricultural system.
CellAgri is a subsidiary of High Output Ventures Pte Ltd.